Seikei University Institute for a Super-Smart Society

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Seikei University Institute for a Super-Smart Society

Seikei University Institute for a Super-Smart Society

Society is in the midst of rapid change due to technological innovations including artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). In Japan, the emerging society is referred to as Society5.0 . It is our responsibility to promote technological innovation and to control it to make this society a happy one for people now and in the future.

Seikei University, which celebrated its 70th anniversary, established the Institute for a Super-Smart Society in 2020 with the support of the Mitsubishi 150th Anniversary Project Committee. In order for industry/government/university leaders and researchers to cooperate and develop a new stage in the history of civilization beyond the boundaries of business fields and conditions, the Institute will identify needs, promote projects to satisfy those needs, and return the results to society.

The Institute will undertake transdisciplinary research from a comprehensive perspective in order to link science and technology innovations with the true happiness of humankind. It will also conduct collaborative practical activities in cooperation with local governments and companies responsible for implementing technology for solving social issues. For keeping the Super-Smart Society alive, the Institute will then conduct human resource development activities focusing on academic materials development, lecture management, and faculty training for people of all ages who support them. These are our three pillars: transdisciplinary research, collaborative practical activities, and human resource development activities.