Faculty of Science and Technology
Rapid technological innovation, coexistence with nature, and a sustainable society...
It will be difficult to meet the complex challenges of the future with capabilities limited to specific fields. Seikei University's new Faculty of Science and Technology, which will be established in 2022, will realize new learning by considering the following three facets of "New Science" in order to develop students who can present their own visions to solve problems and create new value.
Expertise × Interdisciplinaly Fields
Ability to create new value by combining advanced expertise with other science fields
For example...
Enabling data management from a separate room to create unmanned factories, dramatically improving productivity and realizing workplaces that do not expose humans to danger.
Expertise × ICT
Ability to leverage ICT to demonstrate expertise in the best form for social change
For example...
ICT in living environments and elderly-friendly interfaces enable 24-hour access to administrative services from the comfort of home
Expertise × Collaboration
Ability to work with people with different specialties to solve social problems
For example...
Event professionals and big data researchers collaborate to develop highly effective regional development policies based on data
Special Features of Learning at the Faculty of Science and Technology
One Department / Five Majors
Having five majors in one department allows students to study in depth in their major field of study and broadly in fusion fields
The five majors (Data and Mathematical Sciences / Computer Science / Mechanical Systems Engineering / Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Applied Chemistry) have been established with clearly defined academic fields. Acquire in-depth expertise in a major that suits you. In addition, students broaden their learning by taking courses in fusion fields beyond the boundaries of their majors.
- Major in Data and Mathematical Sciences
Making full use of "big data" for resolution of real-world problems, based on mathematical science and information science
Students learn techniques for devising mathematical models for actual problems, for algorithms and optimization for the resolution of problems that have been transformed into mathematical models, and for the analysis and utilization of various data. The studies cover all areas, from basic principles to application.1. Systematic study of expertise required for data utilization
In order to utilize data to solve complex problems, students in this major systematically learn the three fields of "data science" for analyzing data and finding knowledge, "operations research" for making optimal decisions based on data, and "algorithms" for efficiently processing data.
2. Acquisition of practical skills such as programming through hands-on training
Solving real-world problems requires skills in programming, using tools, as well as collecting and analyzing data in practice. In this major, students learn programming in Python and C++ as the foundation, and data collection and statistical analysis as the application through practical training.
- Major in Computer Science
Building the future by promoting innovation in ICT and human media technology
Students acquire expertise in software for handling computers, servers, the Internet of things, smartphones, and other such computerized devices. They also study media technology applying AI for processing images, video, audio, text, and dialogue.1. Systematic study of expertise relating to all aspects of computer science
From the basics to solving real-world problems through practical application, students systematically learn about elemental technologies that support the present and future, such as software, networks, parallel and distributed computing, web technologies, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and media technologies such as those related to video, image, and sound.
2. Acquisition of practical skills ranging from programming to software development
Students learn practical programming techniques through representative programming languages such as Python and C++ while improving their mathematical and logical thinking skills. Students also learn methods to build software systems of even larger scale and acquire skills that can be used in a variety of industries.
- Major in Mechanical Systems Engineering
Developing capabilities to solve real-world problems with no single right answer
Students learn about the technology behind machine systems reflecting consideration for the environment and comfort in addition to strength, durability, etc., as well as methodologies for the smoother functioning of systems involving people, things, money, information, and other elements.1. Design of machines and products as systems
In the Mechanical Systems Engineering major, students gain knowledge and skills in two specialized fields, mechanical engineering and management engineering, in a well-balanced manner through classes from basic to advanced, so that they can design (problem solve) machines and products to be developed as systems and make judgments from a comprehensive perspective.
2. Courses that broaden horizons and cultivate problem-solving skills
By combining multiple classes from basic to advanced, students can broaden their perspectives and develop a responsive mindset. In addition, in project-based courses, students work in groups to solve a given problem and develop problem-solving skills to find a solution and accomplish the task on their own.
- Major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Development of "wide-ranging and flexible" human resources to support the social, industrial, and information infrastructure
Students study the theory and practice underpinning the social, industrial, and information infrastructure through a complete curriculum organically encompassing electrical & electronic systems, machine control, and information processing.1. Cultivate human resources with both broad basic knowledge and deep applied skills
In recent years, it is no exaggeration to say that there is no product or system that does not use electricity. In particular, technological development and product application based on electrical engineering is progressing in a variety of fields, including household equipment and industrial devices. We cultivate human resources that combine broad basic knowledge with deep applied skills to play an active role in these fields.
2. Organic coverage of electrical and electronic systems, mechanical control, and information processing
Students take a comprehensive course in electrical & electronic systems, and mechanical control subjects along with mathematics and programming subjects, which are the foundation of the natural sciences. Our aim is for students to become professionals skilled in mathematical thinking, proficient in modeling and programming, and equipped with advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
- Major in Applied Chemistry
Contributing to the future of humankind and living, through academic research in the field of chemistry
Students engage in academic research on chemistry utilizing IT and on related applications in society. The focus is on the development of human resources for contribution to life innovation for the advancement of health and medical fields, and green innovation for a sustainable society.1. Life innovation for health and medical care
In order to realize a society in which people can live healthy lives, it is necessary to make advances in life science and in food and medical technology to realize healthy and affluent lifestyles. We are aiming for breakthroughs through collaboration with different fields, utilizing AI, as well as deepening our expertise in biotechnology and chemical biology.
2. Green innovation for a sustainable society
In order to maintain life as it has always been, we need to reduce carbon emissions and obtain energy from solar and wind power. To expand such new energy utilization systems, we are aiming for breakthroughs in materials, catalysts, and battery technologies that also utilize AI.